The purpose of the article is to present the forms, consequences and etiology of the risky behavior of modern schoolchildren.
Methods and objects of research: Defining the concept of risky behavior, the author, analyzing the data of academic primary sources, using technologies of content, contextual, associative and heuristic information analysis, indicates, that the most adequate information about the rating and nature of the social danger of risky behaviors is provided by primary sources that empirically study epidemiological data in the social stratum schoolchildren. The most represented are sociological, personological, therapeutic (clinical), diagnostic, phenomenological areas of research. Presenting the rating of risky forms of behavior of schoolchildren according to the criterion of the scale of epidemiology, the author describes their etiology and possible consequences.
Results of research: The material of the article shows that the different nature of the forms of risky behavior of adolescents encourage researchers to take different methodological and methodological positions. This methodological isolation and the subject narrowness associated with it do not yet allow creating a universal tool for diagnosing all the considered forms of adolescent risk behavior.