This theoretical paper discusses the challenges of promoting genuine educational reforms and options in Africa. The author presents a discursive critique of the conventional processes for the delivery of education in calling for a re-examination of the fundamental ways in which the structures for teaching, learning and administration of education can serve the needs of local people and communities. Part of the problem of African development is the failure of so-called development initiatives to speak to African realities and conditionalities. Educational change in Africa must connect academic and research scholarship with practical local engagement for a genuinely African-centred development. Specifically, an African-centred development would require that formal and informal educational systems interrogate and use the positive (solution-oriented) aspects of the local cultural resource base of African people fo their contributions to the development process. The task of educational transformation 1s not only to reform existing curriculum and school pedagogical practices, but also to address the internal problems of gender discrimination, as well as ethnic, regional and class prejudice and alienation that aflict schooling and education in many African communities.
Cet article fait lhnalyse critique des me'thodes traditionnelles d'kducation a saveur plus europtenne qu'afiicaine, et des dkfis queprksente la promotion de rkformes et d'orientations iducationnelles authentiquement africaines. Une partie du probleme reside dans /'impuissance des soit-disant initiatives de dkveloppement a tenir compte des rkalites et des contraintes de I'Afiique. Un dtveloppement authentiquement africain exigerait que les systimes d'kducation formelle et informelle mette ct contribution I'inventivitk innke aux cultures des peuplades africaines locales. Le dkveloppement kducationnel dkpasse laGeorge J. Sefa Dei is associate professor at Canadian simple rkforme des programmes scolaires et des mkthodes ptdagogiques. I1 s'intkresse aux problimes internes de discrimination fondke sur le sexe, l'origine ethnique ou rkgionale, la classe sociale, sans oublier la marginalisation, malheureusement associks h la frtquentation scolaire et h l'instruction dans bien des communautks afiicaines.