The moving boundary truncated grid (TG) method, previously developed
to integrate the time-dependent Schrödinger equation and the
imaginary time Schrödinger equation, is extended to the time
evolution of distribution functions in phase space. A variable number
of phase space grid points in the Eulerian representation are used
to integrate the equation of motion for the distribution function,
and the boundaries of the TG are adaptively determined as the distribution
function evolves in time. Appropriate grid points are activated and
deactivated for propagation of the distribution function, and no advance
information concerning the dynamics in phase space is required. The
TG method is used to integrate the equations of motion for phase space
distribution functions, including the Klein–Kramers, Wigner–Moyal,
and modified Caldeira–Leggett equations. Even though the initial
distribution function is nonnegative, the solutions to the Wigner–Moyal
and modified Caldeira–Leggett equations may develop negative
basins in phase space originating from interference effects. Trajectory-based
methods for propagation of the distribution function do not permit
the formation of negative regions. However, the TG method can correctly
capture the negative basins. Comparisons between the computational
results obtained from the full grid and TG calculations demonstrate
that the TG method not only significantly reduces the computational
effort but also permits accurate propagation of various distribution
functions in phase space.