Plants have been used for thousands of years to keep people well and enhance the quality of their lives by acting as useful components in medicines, food, beverages, cosmetics, and dyes. Ficus religiosa (Sacred fig) or Peepal tree is known to be a native Indian tree. Extract of the plant possess significant anti-diarrhoeal, anti-fungal, anti-plasmodial, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-convulsant activity, anthelmintic activity, proteolytic activity, anti-immunomodulatory activity, wound-healing activity, antioxidant activity, anti-acetylcholinesterase activity, wound healing activities and antidiabetic activity. The aqueous extract of F. religiosa dried bark shown the presence of flavonoids, tannins, phytosterols and bergapten. The stem bark of F. religiosa investigation shows phytocomponent of tannins, phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids and steroids, vitamin K, n-octacosanol, methyl oleanolate, lanosterol, β-sitosteryl-D-glucoside, stigmasterol, lupen-3-one. Four different extracts (Aqueous, Hydro-alcohol, Methanol, Acidified Water) of leaf of F. religiosa were taken for the experiment, from which it concludes that Alkaloid, Tannin, and Resin are present in all the extracts. Whereas, Flavonoid, and Cardiac glycoside are absent in all. The result of Thin Layer Chromatography shows highest Rf value of 0.90 in Hydro-alcohol extract and lowest in Methanol (Rf value of 0.55). The anti-microbial activity of Acidified water extract shows the highest zone of inhibition of 15 mm and 18 mm; however, aqueous extract gives the lowest zone of inhibition of 10 mm and 12 mm against E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. F. religiosa exhibit many pharmacological activities i.e., anticonvulsant, antidiabetic, analgesic, wound-healing, antioxidant, acetylcholinesterase, proteolytic, anti-amnesic and many more. These discovered chemicals are what give Ficus religiosa its significant biological functions. In order to find new medicines, the researcher will be instructed to find and extract the novel therapeutic compounds from different parts of Ficus religiosa.