The study aims to explore the antibacterial activity of Stichopus vastus against pathogenic MDR bacteria. Analysis of samples of sea cucumbers included extraction, fractionation, and analysis of bacterial sensitivity test Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), the extraction process is carried out by solid-liquid extraction method. Fractionation was done with Open-Column Chromatography (OCC). Sensitivity test of bacteria was done using an agar diffusion method according to the Kirby-Bauer (Ref). The study revealed that from 5 species MDR bacteria, which are Coagulant negative stapylococi (CNS), E. coli, Enterobacter 5, Klebsiella sp. dan Pseudomonas sp. There are two MDR bacteria had the most sensitive responses by the extract of sea cucumber, which were Enterobacter-5 and Klebsiella sp. The two bacteria were tested against five bioactive fractions obtained from OCC. Fraction criteria-2 had the highest antibacterial activity against Enterobacter-5 and Klebsiella sp, with serial concentration of 20 µg • disc -1 , 40 µg. disc -1 and 80 µg. disc -1 . Largest inhibition zone were obtained from 80 µg. disc -1 againts the two bacteria were (14.73±0.48) mm and (11.22±0.85) mm respectively. GC-MS Analysis revealed that fraction criteria-2 had (or consisted of) cyclohexhane, ethanol, butanoic and pentanoic acids.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui potensi antibakteri ekstrak teripang dari perairan Karimunjawa terhadap bakteri Multi Drug Resisntant MDR. Analisis sampel teripang meliputi ekstraksi, fraksinasi, dan analisis uji sensitivitas bakteri Kromatografi Gas-Spektrometri Massa (GC-MS). Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode ekstraksi padat-cair. Fraksinasi dilakukan denganKromatografi Open-Column (OCC). Uji sensitivitas bakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi agar sesuai dengan Kirby-Bauer (Ref). Studi tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa dua bakteri MDR memiliki respon paling sensitif dengan ekstrak teripang, yaitu pada bakteri Enterobacter-5 dan Klebsiella sp. Kedua bakteri tersebut diuji terhadap lima fraksi bioaktif yang diperoleh dari OCC. Fraksi 2 memiliki aktivitas antibakteri paling banyak pada Enterobacter-5 dan Klebsiella sp, dengan konsentrasi 20 μg/disk, 40 μg/disk dan 80 μg/disk. Nilai rata-rata zona hambatan tertinggi terdapat pada konsentrasi 80 µg/disk, yang secara berurutan untuk kedua bakteri diatas adalah 14,73±0,48 mm dan 11,22±0,85 mm. Hasil GC-MS menunjukkan bahwa fraksi II mengandung 4 senyawa, yaitu sikloheksena sebagai senyawa dengan kelimpahan terbesar, asam butanoat, asam pentanoat, dan etanol. Kata kunci : aktifitas antibakteri, multi drug resistance (MDR), teripang, Stichopus vastus I.