The introduction of modern methods for field assessment of winter wheat genotypes is an integral part of improving the quality of the breeding process. The creation, adaptation and use of innovative screening technologies in breeding is becoming increasingly popular and allows the breeder to more widely and objectively evaluate the original forms and newly created material. Important for winter is the autumn period, when under favorable weather conditions (gradual decrease in temperature) there is a slowdown in the growth rate of winter wheat, changing physiological and biochemical processes in the plant, which contribute to its transition to hibernation. The state of winter wheat crops (morpho-biometric indicators of plants) in the autumn is largely decisive in the formation of a sufficient level of winter hardiness, and thus affects the further productivity of the crop. According to the results of analysis of morpho-biological and spectral analysis data, it was established that before overwintering the best condition for the first sowing period was winter wheat plants: MIP Lada (NDVI = 0.48), erythrospermum line 55023 (NDVI = 0.46), Lutesens 60049 (NDVI = 0.46), varieties MIP Distinction (NDVI = 0.46) MIP Jubilee (NDVI = 0.46), MIP Dnipryanka (NDVI = 0.46) and line Lutesens 55198 (MIP Gift) (NDVI = 0, 47). In the standard variety Podolyanka, the index value was at the level of 0.45. During the second sowing period, the following varieties were identified: MIP Assol (NDVI = 0.32), Ballad Myronivska (NDVI = 0.32), Erythrospermum 55023 (NDVI = 0.33), MIP Lada (NDVI = 0.33), MIP Jubilejna ( NDVI = 0.32) and Lutesens 55198 (MIP Gift) (NDVI = 0.32) and Lutesens 60107 (NDVI = 0.32). NDVI index of Podolyanka variety was at the level of 0.32.