The most important medical relevance of Fusarium spp. is based on their phytopathogenic property, contributing to hunger and undernutrition in the world. A few Fusarium spp., such as F. oxysporum and F. solani, are opportunistic pathogens and can induce local infections, i.e., of nails, skin, eye, and nasal sinuses, as well as occasionally, severe, systemic infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. These clinical diseases are rather difficult to cure by antimycotics, whereby the azoles, such as voriconazole, and liposomal amphotericin B give relatively the best results. There are at least two sources of infection, namely the environment and the gut mycobiome of a patient. A marked impact on human health has the ability of some Fusarium spp. to produce several mycotoxins, for example, the highly active trichothecenes. These mycotoxins may act either as pathogenicity factors, which means that they damage the host and hamper its defense, or as virulence factors, enhancing the aggressiveness of the fungi. Acute intoxications are rare, but chronic exposition by food items is a definite health risk, although in an individual case, it remains difficult to describe the role of mycotoxins for inducing disease. Mycotoxins taken up either by food or produced in the gut may possibly induce an imbalance of the intestinal microbiome. A particular aspect is the utilization of F. venetatum to produce cholesterol-free, protein-rich food items.