Emergencies involving the inguinal region and scrotum are common and can be
caused by a plethora of different causes. In most cases, such conditions have
nonspecific symptoms and are quite painful. Some inguinoscrotal conditions have
high complication rates. Early and accurate diagnosis is therefore imperative.
Ultrasound is the method of choice for the initial evaluation of this vast range
of conditions, because it is a rapid, ionizing radiation-free, low-cost method.
Despite the practicality and accuracy of the method, which make it ideal for use
in emergency care, the examiner should be experienced and should be familiarized
with the ultrasound findings of the most common inguinoscrotal diseases. On the
basis of that knowledge, the examiner should also be able to make an accurate,
direct, precise report, helping the emergency room physician make decisions
regarding the proper (clinical or surgical) management of each case. Here, we
review most of the inguinoscrotal conditions, focusing on the imaging findings
and discussing the critical points for the appropriate characterization of each