Network slicing allows network operators to build multiple isolated virtual networks on a shared physical network to accommodate a wide variety of services and applications. With network slicing, service providers can provide a cost-efficient solution towards meeting diverse performance requirements of deployed applications and services. Despite slicing benefits, End-to-End orchestration and management of network slices is a challenging and complicated task. In this chapter, we intend to survey all the relevant aspects of network slicing, with the focus on networking technologies such as Software-defined networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in 5G, Fog/Edge and Cloud Computing platforms. To build the required background, this chapter begins with a brief overview of 5G, Fog/Edge and Cloud computing, and their interplay. Then we cover the 5G vision for network slicing and extend it to the Fog and Cloud computing through surveying the state-of-the-art slicing approaches in these platforms. We conclude the chapter by discussing future directions, analyzing gaps and trends towards the network slicing realization.
Introduction 2The major digital transformation happening all around the world these days has introduced a wide variety of applications and services ranging from smart cities and vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication to virtual reality (VR)/augmented reality (AR) and remote medical surgery. Design and implementation of a network that can simultaneously provide the essential connectivity and performance requirements of all these applications with a single set of network functions not only is massively complex but also is prohibitively expensive. The 5G Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership (5G-PPP) has identified various use case families of enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine-type communications (mMTC), and ultra-reliable low latency communication (uRLLC) or Critical Communications that would simultaneously run and share the 5G physical multi-service network [1]. These applications essentially have very different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements and transmission characteristics. For instance, Video-on-demand streaming applications in eMMB category require very high bandwidth and transmitting a large amount of content. While mMTC applications, suchas Internet of Things (IoT), typically have a multitude of low throughput devices. The differences between these use cases show that the one-size-fits-all approach of the traditional networks does not satisfy different requirements of all these vertical services.A cost-efficient solution towards meeting these requirements is slicing physical network into multiple isolated logical networks. Similar to server virtualization technology successfully used in Cloud computing era, network slicing intends to build a form of virtualization that partitions a shared physical network infrastructure into multiple end-to-end level logical networks allowing for traffic groupingandtenants' traffic isolation. Network slicing is considered a...