“…The concept of neoliberalism, which – especially since the crisis of 2007–2008 and the long recession that immediately followed – has saturated the public sphere, seems so ubiquitous in economic, political, intellectual, media and everyday discourse that it is perhaps most surprising how little is understood about what neoliberalism actually is. Roughly speaking, neoliberalism is a multi-layered and complex set of heterogeneous, complementary and interdependent economic, intellectual, political and other social processes that operate both at the macrosocial level, where they intervene in and change the entire social fabric, and at the microsocial level, where they penetrate the existential dimension of the individual and our relationship with ourselves (Dardot and Laval, 2017, 2019; Foucault, 2010; Krašovec, 2016). A more detailed analysis of the existing ‘social logic’ goes beyond the scope of this article, but we will highlight the aspects that are useful for our efforts.…”