Υ(1S) decay to Ξ cc + anything is studied. It is shown that the corresponding branching ratio can be as significant as that of Υ(1S) decay to J/Ψ + anything.The non-relativistic heavy quark effective theory framework is employed for the calculation on the decay width.PACS numbers: Valid PACS appear here Υ(1S) [27] decay is a good arena to study QCD and hadron physics. Several instructive results have been obtained. For example, recent searches on the exotic XYZ hadrons via the inclusive channel Υ → J/Ψ + anything [1] and on light tetraquark hadrons in several channels of Υ decay [2] have been made. Both reported negative results. As a matter of fact, in the energy region above J/Ψ mass at BEPC and that above Υ mass at B factories, many exotic XYZ hadrons have been observed (for a recent review, see [3]). These exotic particles, except those directly couple to the virtual photon in e + e − annihilations, are all produced from the decays of either the exited cc bound states or the B hadrons. On the other hand, Υ decay is an environment significantly different from those where the exotic particle production is observed. Υ decays via the OZI-suppressed ways, i.e., the annihilation of the b b quarks. The dominant mode (> 80%) is the hadronic one generally refered as '3gluon' decay [4], and the subsequent hadronization is a special case of multiproduction. The negative results [1] [2] mentioned above can shed light on property of confinement and the unitarity of the hadronization in multiproduction processes as we have pointed out [5][6][7][8].The experimental facts mentioned above confirm that the cc pair produced in perturbative