The improved results on a direct search for a new X(16.7 MeV) boson that could explain the anomalous excess of e + e − pairs observed in the decays of the excited 8 Be * nucleus ("Berillium anomaly") are reported. The X boson could be produced in the bremsstrahlung reaction e − Z → e − ZX by a high energy beam of electrons incident on the active target in the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS and observed through its subsequent decay into e + e − pair. No evidence for such decays was found from the combined analysis of the data samples with total statistics corresponding to 8.4 × 10 10 electrons on target collected in 2017 and 2018. This allows to set the new limits on the X − e − coupling in the range 1.2 × 10 −4 e 6.8 × 10 −4 , excluding part of the parameter space favored by the Berillium anomaly. The non-observation of the decay A → e + e − allows also to set the new bounds on the mixing strength of photons with dark photons (A ) with a mass 24 MeV.Recently, the search for new light bosons weakly coupled to SM particles was additionally inspired by the observation in the ATOMKI experiment by Krasznahorkay et al. [1,2] of a ∼7σ excess of events in the invariant mass distribution of e + e − pairs produced in the nuclear transitions of the excited 8 Be * to its ground state via internal pair creation. It was shown that this anomaly can be interpreted as the emission of a protophobic gauge boson X with a mass of 16.7 MeV decaying into e + e − pair [3,4]. This explanation of the anomaly was found to be consistent with the existing constraints assuming that the X has non-universal coupling to quarks, coupling to electrons in the range 2 × 10 −4 e 1.4 × 10 −3 and lifetime 10 −14 τ X 10 −12 s. It is interesting that a new boson with such relatively large couplings to charged leptons could also resolve the so-called (g µ − 2 ) anomaly, a discrepancy between measured and predicted values of the muon anomalous magnetic moment. This has motivated worldwide efforts towards the experimental searches, see, e.g., Refs. [5,6], and studies of the phenomenological aspects of light vector bosons weakly coupled to quarks and leptons, see, e.g., and also earlier works of Refs. [13][14][15][16]. The latest experimental results from the ATOMKI group show a similar excess of events at approximately the same invariant mass in the nuclear transitions of another nucleus, 4 He [17]. This further increases the importance of independent searches for a new particle X.Another strong motivation to search for new light bosons decaying into e + e − pair comes from the dark matter puzzle. An interesting possibility is that in addition to gravity a new force between the dark sector and visible matter, carried by a new vector boson A , called dark photon, might exist [18,19]. Such A could have a mass