The present work reports the in-field 57 F e M össbauer spectroscopy measurements on polycrystalline R 3 Fe 5 O 12 (RIG, R=Y, Gd, Ho, Tm, & Yb) rare-earth iron garnets. The contrast between the effective hyperfine field (H eff ) values of two Fe 3+ sites (tetrahedral, d-and octahedral, a-sites) across magnetic compensation (T Comp ) facilitates to probe the Fe 3+ sublattice spin reversal in RIG systems (R=Gd, Ho and Yb) exhibiting magnetic compensation. Further, the analysis of relative intensity of absorption lines in a sextet from the field dependent 57 F e M össbauer spectroscopy measurements carried out in polycrystalline YbIG, below T Comp , show the clear signatures of field induced perpendicular Fe 3+ spin configuration when applied external field is 50 kOe.