The original estimate 5 was set at the 90% confidence level. To conform with the prevailing custom of quoting a standard deviation, we have reduced our original estimate of error by a factor of 1.65. Figure 4 shows the coplanar cross sections (integrated over 7-ray angle) for (30°, 30°) as a function of bombarding energy. The curves are theoretical predictions, identified in the caption, while the plotted points show the corrected experimental results listed in Table III. It is evident from Fig. 4 that our five measurements (solid points) are lower than the others at similar energies. It is possible that the type of prompt background eliminated in our work by the baffles B have could caused an excess of counts in the other work.Our results at 47 MeV fall significantly below the calculation by Nyman 12 of the model-independent leading terms of the integrated cross section. The reason for this is not understood at present.Of the calculations based on various potential models of the nucleon-nucleon interaction, our data agree best with the calculation of Ref. 9 based on the Tabakin potential (dash-dot curve), although more refined calculations with this potential give larger cross sections. 13 Our points are generally consistent with a prediction based on the Bryan-Scott potential (solid curve). The Hamada-Johnston predictions (dashed curve) tend to be above our results. Recent estimates by Marker and Signell 14 show that Coulomb effects reduce the Hamada-Johnston predictions by about 5% at 62 MeV and 6% at 47 MeV. Although one cannot at this time make any firm statements about the best choice of nucleon-nucleon potential, it does appear from the present results that a momentum-dependent potential is preferable to a hard-core potential.3 He spectra from the bombardment of tritium and of 3 He targets with 22.25-MeV tritons are presented. No clear evidence for new states in either residual nucleus is obtained; however, the 3 H(2, 3 He)3w spectra provide weak evidence for the existence of a "trineutron" unbound by 1 to 1.5 MeV.