[1] Seasonal (winter/summer) and solar cycle N m F 2 variations as well as summer saturation effect in N m F 2 have been analyzed using Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar (ISR) daytime observations. A self-consistent approach to the Ne(h) modeling has been applied to extract from ISR observations a consistent set of main aeronomic parameters and to estimate their quantitative contribution to the observed N m F 2 variations. The retrieved aeronomic parameters are independent of uncertainties in thermosphere and solar EUV empirical models, and this is a distinguishing feature of the present consideration. Different temperatures in winter and in summer in the course of solar cycle overlapped on the O + + N 2 reaction rate coefficient temperature dependence result in different N m F 2 dependences on solar activity: a steep practically linear increase with a tendency to turn up in January (contrary to international reference ionosphere prediction) and a slow increase with a tendency to saturate at high solar activity in July despite increasing solar EUV irradiation. In winter the EUV flux and thermospheric parameters provide approximately equal contributions to the N m F 2 increase, while in summer the contribution of thermospheric parameters is small. Both in winter and in summer the variations of atomic oxygen [O] are small at the F 2 layer peak, and its contribution is small compared to linear loss coefficient, b. It is shown that the summer saturation effect in N m F 2 under high solar activity is not just reduced to O/N 2 or EUV flux solar cycle variations but is determined by b via the g 1 temperature dependence. A new mechanism (qualitative) to explain the December anomaly in N m F 2 is proposed. It is based on the idea that the areas of atomic oxygen production and its loss are spatially separated and that time is required to transfer [O] from one area to the other where [O] associates in a three-body collision. Therefore, under a 7% increase in the O 2 dissociation rate due to the Sun-Earth distance decrease in December-January compared to June-July, an accumulation of atomic oxygen should take place in the thermosphere in the vicinity of the December solstice resulting in a 21% N m F 2 increase, which is close to the observed global December effect.Citation: Mikhailov, A. V., and L. Perrone (2011), On the mechanism of seasonal and solar cycle N m F 2 variations: A quantitative estimate of the main parameters contribution using incoherent scatter radar observations,