The purpose of this study was to determine and show the performance of Brahman Crossbred cattle reared based on the integration of oil palm cattle. The Heifers used in this study were 360 of Brahman crossbred cattle (24 months). The performance of the cattle was observed from postpartum to the age of 30 months. Parameters observed in determining performance include the percentage of live births (%), the percentage of calf mortality (%), birth weight (kg), weaning weight (kg), yearling weight (kg), adult weight (kg), age at first heat (months), age at first mating (months), percentage of pregnancy (%), percentage of adult mortality (%). The results showed that the percentage of live births 53,23%, the percentage of calf mortality was 3,95%, birth weight 25.52 ± 52 kg, weaning weight 145,60 ± 8 kg, yearling weight 195,42 ± 3,9 kg, adult weight >270,38 ± 11,76 kg, age of first heat 12,6 ± 4 months, age first mating in 22,3 ± 3 months, pregnancy percentage 55,10%, adult mortality percentage 2.8%. Based on these performance observations, it can be concluded that the performance of Brahman crossbred cattle was included in the good category, as several parameters were already above Indonesian national standards.