Key-words:aquaculture, anthropogenic wetland, ecosystem service, hydroperiod, pond biodiversityWe examined correlates of amphibian and waterbird diversity related to management practices, with a focus on timing of flooding, at shallow ponds used for common carp Cyprinus carpio culture in Eastern Poland. The age of the stocked fish was a strong predictor of amphibian diversity, with higher scores obtained in ponds with young-of-the-year carp compared to ponds containing older (and larger) fish. Pond cover by emergent vegetation was positively related to diversity of both taxonomic groups. The timing of filling affected the taxonomic richness of the ponds; in contrast to ponds filled in early spring (March-early April), early breeding amphibian species were not recorded in ponds filled later (early May). However, amphibian diversity did not differ between earlyand late-flooded ponds. Early availability of filled ponds favored waterbird species richness and diversity, and the hydroperiod effect overcame the effect of fish age/size. Dissimilar responses to hydroperiod onset may reflect differences between amphibian and bird communities in the nature and strength of interactions with fish. Timing of flooding, which appears to be a neglected determinant of biodiversity in anthropogenic wetlands, should consider the breeding and migration phenology of wildlife species and the presence and population structure of fish.
RĂSUMĂLes pratiques de gestion pour amĂ©liorer la diversitĂ© de la faune des Ă©tangs piscicoles artificiels : l'importance de la hydropĂ©riode
Mots-clĂ©s :aquaculture, zone humide d'origine anthropique, Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les liens entre la diversitĂ© des amphibiens et des oiseaux d'eau et les pratiques de gestion, avec un accent sur le calendrier des mises en eau, dans des Ă©tangs peu profonds utilisĂ©s pour la carpe commune Cyprinus carpio en Pologne orientale. L'Ăąge des poissons dĂ©versĂ©s Ă©tait un fort prĂ©dicteur de la diversitĂ© des amphibiens, avec des scores plus Ă©levĂ©s obtenus dans les Ă©tangs avec des carpes jeunes de l'annĂ©e par rapport aux Ă©tangs contenant des poissons plus ĂągĂ©s (et plus grands). La couverture de l'Ă©tang par la vĂ©gĂ©tation Ă©mergente Ă©tait Le calendrier des mises en eau, qui semble ĂȘtre un facteur dĂ©terminant nĂ©gligĂ© de la biodiversitĂ© dans les zones humides anthropiques, devrait prendre en compte la phĂ©nologie de la reproduction et de la migration des espĂšces de la faune, et la prĂ©sence et la structure de la population de poissons.