Thicklip grey mullet, Chelon labrosus, is an important commercial fish species and has been studied worldwide. However, no recent studies have been made regarding polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in wild C. labrosus. Due to that, the concentration of 13 PCBs congeners were measured in muscles and livers, of males and females, of C. labrosus of different ages, allowing the estimation of PCB bioaccumulation throughout the species lifespan, in the Mondego estuary, a southern European temperate estuary. Male muscle sample concentrations ranged from 32 to 96 ng g -1 (lipid wt.) and in females from 32 to 62 ng g -1 (lipid wt.). In male liver samples concentration ranged from 106 to 158 ng g -1 (lipid wt.), while female concentrations ranged from 88 to 129 ng g -1 (lipid wt.). The most abundant congeners presenting higher percentages in all samples were CB 138, 153 and 180. No significant differences were found between the concentrations in both sexes, but muscle and liver PCB concentrations in males tended to increase with age whereas in females concentrations remained stable throughout the species lifespan. Significant differences were found between concentrations in muscle and liver.