The subject of this publication is the medical rehabilitation of children with perinatal lesions of the central nervous system. Currently, the main methodological principles of stage-by-stage medical rehabilitation of newborns, mainly children with the consequencesof perinatal damage to the nervous system, have been determined. Special attention should be paid to the issue of minimal use of medicines in children with perinatal pathology, in this regard, an importanttask is the development and scientific justification of new non-drug technologies of medical rehabilitation, especially in childrenunder 1 year. Medical rehabilitation sets itself the following tasks: stimulation of blood circulation in the brain tissues, improvement of muscle toneby affecting the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, activation of neuromuscular transmission processes andimprovement of psychomotor development of a child with perinatal pathology of the central nervous system. Medical rehabilitationof children with perinatal lesions of the central nervous system begins at the earliest possible time and is carried out by specialists ofa multidisciplinary rehabilitation team based on an individual medical rehabilitation program.
Aim. To study the results of research conducted by Russian and foreign authors on the issues of physical rehabilitation of children withperinatal damage to the central nervous system and to conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed technologies.
Material and methods. The literature review for this article was conducted from the elibrary, PubMed, Cochrane Library databaseswith a search depth of 10 years. The selection of publications was carried out using keywords: non-drug technologies, perinatal damageto the central nervous system; perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, kinesotherapy, neurodevelopmental therapy, massage,thin finger training method, dry immersion, fitball gymnastics, V. Voit therapy; Bobat therapy.
Conclusion. Currently, a wide range of non-drug technologies of medical rehabilitation of children with the consequences of perinataldamage to the central nervous system is used such as therapeutic gymnastics, massage, kinesiotherapy with a neuroreflex locomotionaccording to Vojta’s method, Bobath-therapy, massage, etc. The analysis of publications has shown that kinesotherapy and massagein in the complex of rehabilitation measures for children with perinatal lesions allows to increase the effectiveness of rehabilitationmeasures, reduce the severity of motor disorders, and can help reduce the frequency of formation of cerebral palsy.