In this letter, we experimentally investigate the directional characteristics of propagating, finiteamplitude wave packets in lattice materials, with an emphasis on the functionality enhancement due to the nonlinearly-generated higher harmonics. To this end, we subject a thin, periodically perforated sheet to out-of-plane harmonic excitations, and we design a systematic measurement and data processing routine that leverages the full-wavefield reconstruction capabilities of a laser vibrometer to precisely delineate the effects of nonlinearity. We demonstrate experimentally that the interplay of dispersion, nonlinearity, and modal complexity which is involved in the generation and propagation of higher harmonics gives rise to secondary wave packets with characteristics that conform to the dispersion relation of the corresponding linear structure. Furthermore, these nonlinearly generated wave features display modal and directional characteristics that are complementary to those exhibited by the fundamental harmonic, thus resulting in an augmentation of the functionality landscape of the lattice. These results provide proof of concept for the possibility to engineer the nonlinear wave response of mechanical metamaterials through a geometric and topological design of the unit cell. Periodic structures and materials feature an intrinsic ability to impede wave propagation within certain frequency ranges referred to as bandgaps [1,2], which allows them to effectively function as vibration filters and waveguides [3,4]. Another related, but significantly less explored effect is their frequency-dependent spatial directivity [5], by which propagating wave packets travel with anisotropic characteristics and display patterns whose morphology depends on the frequency of excitation. When periodic structures experience finitedeformations, both bandgaps and directivity become amplitude-dependent [6,7], thereby endowing the structure with the ability to adapt to changes in operating conditions. On the other hand, nonlinear periodic structures can also be tuned to elicit complementary responses without changes in the operating condition [8], a feature that is commonly exploited to design tunable vibration filters [9]. Finally, the availability of nonlinear mechanisms also results in the ability to realize devices such as acoustic diodes and rectifiers [10][11][12], by triggering nonreciprocal effects that are seldom possible in their linear counterparts. The most well-known signature of finite-amplitude wave propagation is the generation of harmonics [13], a feature which, in conjunction with dispersion, is commonly employed as an inspection and characterization tool in Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) techniques [14][15][16]. While the concept of harmonic generation has also been explored in nonlinear periodic structures [17,18], its complete implications on the spatial characteristics of wave propagation have only been marginally studied. In this regard, we recently carried out a theoretical and numerical investigation of granula...