Until now, the first reported doubly charmed baryon $\Xi_{cc}^{+}(3520)$ is
still a puzzle. It was discovered and confirmed by SELEX collaboration, but not
confirmed by LHCb, BABAR, BELLE, FOCUS, or any other collaboration. In the
present paper, by employing Regge phenomenology, we first express the mass of
the ground state ($L$=0) doubly charmed baryon $\Omega_{cc}^{*+}$ as a function
of masses of the well established light baryons and singly charmed baryons.
Inserting the recent experimental data, the mass of $\Omega_{cc}^{*+}$ is given
to be 3809$\pm$36 MeV, which is independent of any unobservable parameters.
Then, with the quadratic mass relations, we calculate the masses of the ground
state triply charmed baryon $\Omega_{ccc}^{++}$ and doubly charmed baryons
$\Xi_{cc}^{(*)++}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{(*)+}$, and $\Omega_{cc}^{+}$ (the mass of
$\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ is determined as 3520$^{+41}_{-40}$ MeV, which agrees with the
mass of $\Xi_{cc}^{+}(3520)$). The isospin splitting $M_{\Xi_{cc}^{++}} -
M_{\Xi_{cc}^{+}} = 0.4 \pm 0.3$ MeV. After that, masses of the orbitally
excited ($L$=1,2,3) doubly and triply charmed baryons are estimated. The
results are reasonable comparing with those extracted in many other approaches.
We suggest more efforts to study doubly and triply charmed baryons both
theoretically and experimentally, not only for the abundance of baryon spectra,
but also for numerically examining whether the linear mass relations or the
quadratic mass relations are realized in nature. Our predictions are useful for
the discovery of unobserved doubly and triply charmed baryon states and the
$J^P$ assignment of these states.Comment: 15 pages, 5 tables, version published in PR