The emerging mobile technology has brought revolutionized changes in the computer era. One such technology of networking is Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETS), where the mobility and infrastructure less of the nodes takes predominant roles. These features make MANETS more vulnerable to attacks. As the research continues several aspects can be explored in this area. At the very first it can be the problem of how to make the cross layer detection of attacks more efficient and work well. Since every layer in the network deals with different type of attacks, a possible viewpoint to those attack scenarios can be presented so that it can be extended in the later part. It becomes necessary to figure out the security solution architecture if there are different detection results generated by different layers. Secondly, there should be a measure of the network metrics to show increased performance. The paper presents such a defensive mechanism cross layered architecture which strives to identify and correct misbehaviour in MANETS especially with respect to routing layer. The evaluation of the proposed solution is also given with results obtained to show the performance of the network.