Abstract. Palaeoecological records are required to test ecological
hypotheses necessary for conservation strategies as short-term observations
can insufficiently capture natural variability and identify drivers of
biotic change. Here, we demonstrate the importance of an integrated
conservation palaeobiology approach when making validated decisions for
conservation and mitigating action. Our model system is the Razim–Sinoie
lake complex (RSL) in the Danube Delta (Black Sea coast, Romania), a dynamic
coastal lake system hosting unique Pontocaspian mollusc species that are now
severely under threat. The Pontocaspians refer to an endemic species group
that evolved in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea basins under reduced salinity
settings over the past few million years. The natural, pre-industrial RSL
contained a salinity gradient from fresh to mesohaline (18 ppm) until human
intervention reduced the inflow of mesohaline Black Sea water into the lake
system. We reconstruct the evolution of the RSL over the past 2000 years
from integrated sedimentary facies and faunal analyses based on 11 age-dated
sediment cores and investigate the response of mollusc species and
communities to those past environmental changes. Three species associations
(“marine”, “Pontocaspian” and “freshwater”) exist and their spatio-temporal
shifts through the system are documented. Variable salinity gradients
developed, with marine settings (and faunas) dominating in the southern part
of the system and freshwater conditions (and faunas) in the northern and
western parts. Pontocaspian species have mostly occurred in the centre of
the RSL within the marine–freshwater salinity gradient. Today, freshwater
species dominate the entire system, and only a single Pontocaspian species
(Monodacna colorata) is found alive. We show that the human-induced reduced marine influence
in the system has been a major driver of the decline of the endemic
Pontocaspian biota. It urges improved conservation action by
re-establishing a salinity gradient in the lake system to preserve these
unique species.