“…For ma tion and iso la tion of these sub-bas ins are as soci ated with Al pine tec ton ics and trans for ma tion of the rem nant Outer West ern Carpathians ba sin into a flexed fore land ba sin (e.g., Oszczypko, 2006). The sub-bas ins have char ac ter is tics of piggy-back bas ins (sensu Ori and Friend, 1984) de vel oped on the top of the fron tal part of the West ern Carpathians orogenic wedge, which con sti tutes a wedge-top depozone (sensu DeCelles and Giles, 1996) of the fore land ba sin. The na ture of the pro cesses and sed i ments in the sub-bas ins was also af fected by cli mate change at the bound ary be tween the Eocene and Oligocene (Ter mi nal Eocene Event) when sig nif icant cool ing of the cli mate and glacio-eustatic re gres sion started (e.g., Leszczyñski, 1997;Soták, 2010;OszczypkoClowes and Zydek, 2012).…”