“…(16) into the governing Eqs. (4) and (10)-(12) and boundary conditions (6a), (7a), (14), and (15), and equating like powers ofσ andσ b on both sides of the respective equations, we can obtain a group of linear differential equations and boundary conditions for each set of the functions u ij , p ij , μ ij ± , and ψ ij with i and j equal to 0, 1, and 2. After solving these perturbation equations, the results for the r and θ components of u, δp (to the second ordersσ 2 ,σσ b , andσ 2 b ), δμ ± , and δψ (to the first ordersσ andσ b , which will be sufficient for the calculation of the sedimentation velocity to the ordersσ 2 ,σσ b , andσ 2 b ) can be written as…”