web 2.0 applications and tools.Web 2.0 means the second generation of the internet, which gives users access to add, modify, comment, and share content and information. Several web 2.0 applications developed for open use. Examples include Wikis, DropBox, Blogs, Evernote, SkyDrive and Google Apps, etc. These web-based Apps for learning are productive and collaborative. Besides, all these applications are exciting and easy to use for both learners and their instructors. Previous studies concluded that most students have positive attitudes towards the learning that utilizes web applications (Lin & Jou, 2013). Google offers some types of these web Apps for education and communication (Downes, 2007;Miller, 2011).Chinnery ( 2008) introduced the acronym GALL (Google-assisted language learning). He emphasized that Google has pedagogical uses since its tools are communicative, informative, productive, and collaborative. Examples of Google tools and Apps are Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Groups, Google +, Google Earth, and YouTube. Researchers concluded that Google offers many tools that give learners opportunities to collaborate from anywhere and at any time (Covili, 2012). Sun (2003) affirmed that learners preferred using Google apps in their learning than traditional methods. Kovalik et al. (2014) found out that students had a positive attitude towards lessons that used free web 2.0 tools such as Google tools and bloggers. Thus, there are remarkable researches that investigated the effect of using Google Apps in the processes of English language learning. So, it is necessary to review some of these researches in this domain of investigation.