Recent experiments investigating edge states in ferromagnetic atomic chains on superconducting substrate are analyzed. In particular, finite size effects are considered. It is shown how the energy of the Majorana bound state depends on the length of the chain, as well as on the parameters of the model. Oscillations of the energy of the bound edge state in the chain as a function of the length of the chain, and as a function of the applied voltage (or the chemical potential) are studied. In particular, it has been shown that oscillations can exist only for some values of the effective potential.
PACS: 71.10.Pm Fermions in reduced dimensions;74.20.-z Theories and models of superconducting state.Keywords: Majorana edge states, topological superconductivity.Majorana fermions have attracted a great attention due to their main features, comparing to usual Dirac's fermions. Majorana fermions are particles, identical to their own antiparticles. The combination of a pair of Majorana fermions can form a Dirac fermion. Also, Majorana fermions satisfy a non-Abelian statistics, different from the Fermi-Dirac one. It permitted [1 to point out potential use of Majorana fermions as qubits (elementary cells of quantum computers) in fault-tolerant topological computations. Their another usefulness in quantum computation is caused by the fact that spatially separated pairs of Majorana fermions can encode information as a highly nonlocal qubit, minimizing that way the decoherence of the quantum computer. This is why, the search for Majorana fermions is among the most prominent tasks for physicists.For conventional superconductors with s-wave pairing, superpositions of electrons and holes carrying opposite spin are different from Majorana's construction. Majorana fermions can emerge in special superconductors, in which electrons and holes with the same value of spin can be paired. Kitaev has proposed to use zero-energy Majorana bound states at the opposite edges of a superconducting chain for the construction of a composite nonlocal qubit [2]. He has considered the simplest model of one-dimensional (1D) spinless fermions with pairing. 1D systems are important for the potential use in the quantum computation because: (i) their quantum features are enhanced (comparing to systems of higher dimensionality) due to the 1D peculiarity in the density of states, and (ii) theorists can obtain exact (nonperturbative), often analytic results in 1D. The latter can be used for comparison of experimental data with theoretical predictions, very important for probabilistic quantum computation.For the realization of Kitaev's scenario several 1D superconducting systems were proposed: low-dimensional topological insulators [3], quantum wires with the strong spin-orbit coupling in the external magnetic field in the vicinity of the standard s-wave superconductor [4], and ferromagnetic chains on the surface of such a superconductor [5]. Experimental attempts to implement the semiconductor wire proposal were successful to observe the zerobias peak in the t...