The evolution of the structural relaxation during the step polymerization process of four different formulations of an epoxy-amine mixturesdiglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A with diethylenetriamineshas been studied by means of broadband dielectric spectroscopy.Step polymerization progressively turns the liquid into a glass and offers an efficient means to study the effect of the formation of clusters of bonded particles on the structural dynamics. Specifically, we investigate how changes in the distribution of particle clusters reflect in the slowdown and broadening of the relaxation process. We find that the average cluster size diverges as the system freezes at the glass transition and relates to the structural relaxation time in a manner formally similar to that predicted for the size of the cooperatively rearranging regions within the Adam-Gibbs model for glass-forming liquids. This result confirms the one previously obtained by photon correlation spectroscopy on the same systems and indicates it is independent of the experimental technique. Moreover, we observe that the low-frequency broadening of the relaxation function on approaching the glass transition is connected to the increasing polydispersity of the system. We quantify this polydispersity by the variance σ of the cluster size distribution or by the steepness a of the distribution tail, and we find, over a wide range of these parameters, that the lowfrequency power-law exponent m of the relaxation function is linear vs log a and log σ.
A. IntroductionStructural arrest related to the glass transition is a topic of great interest in material science. Glasses can be formed by many routes, 1 the more traditional being reducing the temperature or increasing the pressure of a viscous fluid, fast enough to avoid crystallization. Other technologically relevant paths to glass formation include vapor deposition, concentration increase in colloidal suspensions, solvent evaporation, and liquid polymerization reactions. Finding a common paradigm for such a wide class of structural arrest phenomena is an actual challenge. In this direction, even though we are far from a comprehensive description of the dynamics of liquids from the onset of the structural relaxation to the structural arrest, cooperativity studies 2-7 in conjunction with the Adam-Gibbs entropy model 8 suggest that growing up of particle clusters may be at the core of glass formation.Epoxy systems show a great potential to test ideas related to glass formation, as they easily form glasses via thermal or pressure paths or can be isothermally isobarically vitrified via step polymerization if cured with hardener agents like amines. Their temperature 9-15 and pressure 16-20 behavior has long been studied, using different experimental methods. A number of techniques, including calorimetry, 21-30 ultrasound 31-33 and shear measurements, 34,35 infrared, 35-39 light scattering, 30,31,36,40-42 and dielectric spectroscopy, 17,29,36,43-53 can also be used to investigate the dynamics and thermodynamics of epoxy-b...