LongNew data from 14 watersheds in the states of Santa Catarina (n = 7) and Rio de Janeiro (n = 7) show that erosion rates vary there from 13 to 90 m/My (mean = 32 m/My; median = 23 m/My) and that the difference between erosion rates of basins we sampled in the two states is not significant. Sampled basin area ranges between 3 and 14,987 km 2 , mean basin elevation between 235 and 1606 m, and mean basin slope between 11 and 29°. Basins sampled in Rio de Janeiro, including three that drain the Serra do Mar escarpment, have an average basin slope of 19°, whereas the average slope for the Santa Catarina basins is 14°. Mean basin slope (R 2 = 0.73) and annual precipitation (R 2 = 0.57) are most strongly correlated with erosion in the basins we studied. At three sites where we sampled river sand and cobbles, the 10 Be concentration in river sand was greater than in the cobbles, suggesting that these grain sizes are sourced from different parts of the landscape.Compiling all cosmogenic 10 Be-derived erosion rates previously published for southern and southeastern Brazil watersheds to date (n = 76) with our 14 sampled basins, we find that regional erosion rates (though low) are higher than those of watersheds also located on other passive margins including Namibia and the southeastern North America. Brazilian basins erode at a pace similar to escarpments in southeastern North America. Erosion rates in southern andsoutheastern Brazil are directly and positively related to mean basin slope (R 2 = 0.33) and weakly but significantly to mean annual precipitation (R 2 = 0.05). These relationships are weaker when considering all southern and southeastern Brazil samples than they are in our smaller, localized data set. We find that smaller, steeper headwater catchments (many on escarpments) erode faster than the larger, higher-order but lower slope catchments. Erosion in southern and southeastern Brazil appears to be controlled largely by mean basin slope with lesser influence by climate and lithology.