Background/Objectives: FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) has a wide range of application areas within the construction industry and is used in various forms and shapes, primarily for maintenance purposes. Using FRP has numerous advantages and disadvantages driven by several factors, including the country where it is used. The present paper focuses on the feasibility of using FRP in Afghanistan, considering load carrying capacity, cost, time efficiency, and environmental concerns as the main parameters. Method: In this numerical study, RC-jacketing and FRP-wrapping methods were evaluated for strengthening/repairing RC columns, and a comparison of the two methods was carried out to understand which approach better meets the maintenance needs in Afghanistan. Findings: As a result, the RC-jacketing method was more efficient in terms of cost and strength, while the FRPwrapping method proved its efficiency in terms of time and lower emission of CO 2. Moreover, the RC-jacketing method was found to be more suitable and aligned with the country's current architecture. Overall, as the cost is the leading parameter in a developing country like Afghanistan, RC-jacketing was more suitable for conducting the maintenance work. Additionally, the authors also recommended using the FRP-wrapping method in some particular circumstances where the RC-jacketing method was believed to be less efficient.