J.T. Detwiler). Parasite-modified behaviour in non-trophic transmission: Trematode parasitism increases the attraction between snail intermediate hosts Many parasites with complex life cycles cause host behavioral changes that increase the likelihood of transmission to the next host. Parasite modification is often found in trophic transmission, but its influence on non-trophic transmission is unclear. In trematodes, transmission from the first to second intermediate host is non-trophic suggesting that free-swimming larvae (cercariae) emerging in closer proximity to the next host would have higher transmission success. We performed a series of behavioral experiments with echinostome trematodes and their snail hosts to determine if potential second hosts (Planorbella sp.) were more attracted to parasitized first hosts (Lymnaea elodes Say, 1821). In a Y-maze, a responding snail (Planorbella Haldeman, 1842 sp.) was placed in the base and its response to five treatments was assessed: no stimulus, duckweed (a food item, Lemna turionifera Landolt), non-parasitized L. elodes, parasitized L. elodes, and finally parasitized versus non-parasitized L. elodes. Snails showed some attraction to uninfected snails, but had a stronger response to infected first host snails. These results indicate that potential second host snails were more attracted to parasitized, heterospecific first host snails over non-parasitized heterospecific snails. This study demonstrates that echinostome trematodes alter snail behaviour by changing navigational choices in uninfected potential hosts through a chemical communication mechanism. Many trematode species cause behavioural changes in their intermediate hosts, which makes the transmission of the larval parasites to the next host more likely (Moore 1984; Cézilly et al. 2010; Lafferty and Shaw 2013). Most studies of trematode-altered behaviour have demonstrated its importance in trophic transmission whereby second intermediate hosts are consumed by definitive hosts (Lafferty and Shaw 2013). In these cases, second intermediate hosts, infected with encysted parasites (metacercariae), behavein ways that make predation and thus consumption of parasites by the next host in the life cycle more likely. For example, brain-encysting metacercariae cause ants to change their activity and microhabitat choice by freezing on the top of a blade of grass, making predation by grazing ungulate hosts more likely (Moore 1984). Likewise, fish infected with metacercariae behaved more conspicuously and were more likely to be eaten by bird hosts (Lafferty and Morris 1996). ). We used parasitized L. elodes as first intermediate hosts, and non-parasitized Planorbella sp. snails as potential second intermediate hosts to test whether parasitemodified behaviour affected heterospecific snail interactions. We hypothesized that if parasites modify host interactions, then uninfected Planorbella sp. snails would be more attracted to parasitized L. elodes first intermediate host snails compared to uninfected L. elodes.