We propose a K-selective percolation process as a model for iterative removals of nodes with a specific intermediate degree in complex networks. In the model, a random node with degree K is deactivated one by one until no more nodes with degree K remain. The non-monotonic response of the giant component size on various synthetic and real-world networks implies a conclusion that a network can be more robust against such a selective attack by removing further edges. From a theoretical perspective, the K-selective percolation process exhibits a rich repertoire of phase transitions, including double transitions of hybrid and continuous, as well as reentrant transitions. Notably, we observe a tricritical-like point on Erdős–Rényi networks. We also examine a discontinuous transition with unusual order parameter fluctuation and distribution on simple cubic lattices, which does not appear in other percolation models with cascade processes. Finally, we perform finite-size scaling analysis to obtain critical exponents on various transition points, including those exotic ones.