The heptafluoroisopropyl group (CF(CF 3 ) 2 )i s prevalent in pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals.H owever, heptafluoroisopropoxylated (OCF(CF 3 ) 2 )c ompounds remain largely underexplored, presumably due to the lacko fefficient access to these compounds.H erein, we disclose the practical and efficient heptafluoroisopropoxylation reactions through the invention of aseries of redox-active N-OCF(CF 3 ) 2 reagents. These reagents were readily prepared from the oxidative heptafluoroisopropylation of hydroxylamines with AgCF-(CF 3 ) 2 .T he substitutions on the nitrogen atom significantly affected the properties and reactivities of N-OCF(CF 3 ) 2 reagents.A ccordingly,t wo types of N-OCF(CF 3 ) 2 reagents including N-OCF(CF 3 ) 2 phthalimide A and N-OCF(CF 3 ) 2 benzotriazolium salt O' ' were used as OCF(CF 3 ) 2 anion and radical precursors,r espectively.T his protocol enables the direct heptafluoroisopropoxylation of ar ange of substrates, delivering the corresponding products in moderate to excellent yields.