We present a medium-dependent quantum optics approach to describe the influence of electronacoustic phonon coupling on the emission spectra of a strongly coupled quantum-dot cavity system. Using a canonical Hamiltonian for light quantization and a photon Green function formalism, phonons are included to all orders through the dot polarizability function obtained within the independent Boson model. We derive simple user-friendly analytical expressions for the linear quantum light spectrum, including the influence from both exciton and cavity-emission decay channels. In the regime of semiconductor cavity-QED, we study cavity emission for various exciton-cavity detunings and demonstrate rich spectral asymmetries as well as cavity-mode suppression and enhancement effects. Our technique is nonperturbative, and non-Markovian, and can be applied to study photon emission from a wide range of semiconductor quantum dot structures, including waveguides and coupled cavity arrays. We compare our theory directly to recent and apparently puzzling experimental data for a single site-controlled quantum dot in a photonic crystal cavity and show good agreement as a function of cavity-dot detuning and as a function of temperature.