High avidity ligation of the TCR induces negative selection in the thymus and can also induce apoptosis of peripheral T cells. Costimulation through CD28 enhances T cell activation and facilitates negative selection in the thymus, but the role of CD28 in peripheral T cell deletional tolerance has not been investigated. We used 2C CD28 wild-type and 2C CD28-deficient strains to assess the effects of CD28 and TCR avidity on peripheral T cell expansion and apoptosis. We compared the activation, division, expansion, and apoptosis of CD28+/+ and CD28−/− 2C cells in response to self-Ag (Kb), alloantigens with intermediate (Kbm3), high (Ld), or very high (Ld + QL9 peptide) avidity. With intermediate avidity alloantigen, the CD28 signal enhanced T cell activation and expansion. However, when T cells encountered high avidity alloantigen, the CD28 signal reduced T cell expansion and increased apoptosis. These results indicate that the CD28 signal can down-regulate peripheral T cell responses by increasing apoptosis when TCR ligation exceeds a critical threshold.