We study the leakage dynamics of charge stored in an ensemble of CdTe quantum dots embedded in a field-effect structure. Optically excited electrons are stored and read out by a proper time sequence of bias pulses. We monitor the dynamics of electron loss and find that the rate of the leakage is strongly dependent on time, which we attribute to an optically generated electric field related to the stored charge. A rate equation model quantitatively reproduces the results.PACS numbers: 78.67. Hc, 72.20.Jv, 71.55.Gs Quantum information processing using semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) requires a precise control over writting, storage, and readout of electrons from these nanostructures. An experimental testbed for these processes involve QDs embedded in field-effect structures. In such devices, storage of charge carriers was demonstrated and shown to persist over timescales exceeding seconds 1 or even hours 2 . Optical orientation of carrier spins allowed to realize a programmable QD memory device and exploit it in measurements of longitudinal spin relaxation rates of electrons 3 and holes 4 . Moreover, storage and readout of charge and spin from a single QD was demonstrated 5,6 . It has been pointed out that the leakage of charge from these structures stems from thermal 1 or tunnel escape 6 , photoinduced discharging 7 , or capture by deep levels in the barrier 1 . These processes result inevitably in an information loss and therefore their role has to be evaluated and carefully taken into account in designing of any future devices.In this report, we study the escape dynamics of electrons stored in a layer of self-assembled CdTe QDs. We identify the escape mechanism as electron tunneling and propose a theoretical model, which quantitatively reproduces our experimental results. In particular, we address the importance of an optically generated electric field related to the charge stored in the QDs, which substantially modifies the field applied externally and as a result strongly influences the carrier escape. A realization of a QD memory device with II-VI nanostructures is important in view of the possibility of doping these QDs with magnetic ions 8 . Indeed, electrical manipulation of the quantum state of a single magnetic ion or a ferromagnetically coupled system of ions would provide new schemes for quantum computation and quantum information storage 9-11 .The samples were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a (001)-oriented GaAs substrate. A 4 µm thick pdoped ZnTe buffer layer acted as a back contact. Using a tellurium desorption procedure 12 , a single layer of QDs was grown, separated from the back contact by a 15 nm thick Zn 0.9 Mg 0.1 Te spacer layer. QDs were covered with a 100 nm Zn 0.9 Mg 0.1 Te barrier and another Zn 0.7 Mg 0.3 Te blocking barrier to prevent the escape of carriers to the surface. On top, a 10 nm thick, 20 µm x 100 µm, semitransparent layer of Ti/Au was evaporated to form a Schottky contact. We note that this structure design is analogous to many InAs/GaAs charge-tunable...