-This study evaluated the susceptibility under laboratory conditions of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley adults to fungicides recommended by the Integrated Production of Apple (IPA). The bioassays were carried out using the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC), West Palearctic Regional Section (WPRS) standard protocols. Twelve selected fungicides were studied in the doses (g or ml active ingredient/100 L) captan 1 (0.115), captan 2 (0.120), kresoxim-methyl (0.010), sulphur 1 (AG) (0.480), sulphur 2 (0.480), folpet (0.105), mancozeb (0.160), pyraclostrobin (0.010), tebuconazole (0.010), tetraconazole (0.005), thiophanate-methyl (0.050) and triforine (0.024). Distilled water was used as the blank treatment and the insecticide triclorfon (0.150) as a positive control. The parasitoids were exposed to dry residues applied on glass plates. The reduction in the capacity of parasitism was used to measure the effect of the chemical in comparison to the blank treatment. Each treatment was replicated four times. The results allowed us to classify the fungicides tested in four categories: 1, harmless (< 30%); 2, slightly harmful (30-79%); 3, moderately harmful (80-99%); and 4, harmful (> 99%). 75% of the tested substances were classified as selective (classes 1 and 2) to the parasitoid. The fungicides captan 1, captan 2, kresoximmethyl, folpet, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole, thiophanate-methyl and triforine were harmless; mancozeb was slightly harmful; sulphur 1 (AG) and tetraconazole were moderately harmful and sulphur 2 was harmful. These findings should be taken into account when selecting fungicides to spray apple orchards against fungi diseases to preserve the egg parasitoid T. pretiosum.KEY WORDS: Insecta, egg parasitoid, pesticide, Malus domestica, Integrated Fruit Production RESUMO -Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a susceptibilidade em condições de laboratório de adultos do parasitóide de ovos Trichogramma pretiosum Riley a fungicidas utilizados na Produção Integrada da Maçã (PIM). Os bioensaios foram conduzidos utilizando-se protocolos padrões da Organização Internacional para o Controle Biológico (IOBC), Seção Regional Paleártica Oeste (WPRS). Foram testados doze fungicidas nas respectivas doses (g ou ml ingrediente ativo/100 L) captana 1 (0,115), captana 2 (0,120), cresoxim-metílico (0,010), enxofre 1 (AG) (0,480), enxofre 2 (0,480), folpete (0,105), mancozebe (0,160), piraclostrobina (0,010), tebuconazol (0,010), tetraconazol (0,005), tiofanato-metílico (0,050) e triforina (0,024). Adicionalmente, utilizou-se água destilada como testemunha negativa e o inseticida triclorfom (0,150) como testemunha positiva. Adultos do parasitóide foram expostos a resíduos dos tratamentos depositados sobre placas de vidro, sendo avaliadas as reduções no parasitismo em relação à testemunha (somente água). Cada tratamento teve quatro repetições. Os resultados permitiram classificar os fungicidas quanto ao impacto sobre os parasitóides em quatro classes: 1, inócuo (< 30%); 2, levemente nocivo (30-79%); 3, mod...