Dedicated to Rafael de la Llave on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
A. I study classes of generalized Frenkel-Kontorova models whose potentials are given by almost-periodic functions which are closely related to aperiodic Delone sets of nite local complexity. Since such Delone sets serve as good models for quasicrytals, this setup presents Frenkel-Kontorova models for the type of aperiodic crystals which have been discovered since Shechtman's discovery of quasicrystals. Here I consider models with con gurations u : Z r → R d , where d is the dimension of the quasicrystal, for any r and d. e almost-periodic functions used for potentials are called pa ern-equivariant and I show that if the interactions of the model satis es a mild C 2 requirement, and if the potential satis es a mild non-degeneracy assumption, then there exist equilibrium con gurations of any prescribed rotation rotation number/vector/plane. e assumptions are general enough to satisfy the classical Frenkel-Kontorova models and its multidimensional analoges. e proof uses the idea of the anti-integrable limit.