IntroductionIn the modern day world we can observe a trend towards miniaturization of technology. And this is not without reason, as this can lead to for instance more functionality in the same device and reduce the amount of resources used for their construction or consumed during operation.
The future of integrated circuitsA well-known example is integrated circuits, pioneered by Jack Kilby in 1958, which have been subject to Moore's scaling law. These predominantly twodimensional architectures get more functionality over time by reducing the transistor dimensions so that more fit on the same chip, a process limited by the resolution of lithography processes. The industry has recently reached the 10 nm node for lithography, but cannot scale indefinitely due to the limits imposed by the size of atoms. To continue the trend of progress, besides changing the computational approach (such as quantum computing), we will eventually have to move to the third dimension. This is in need of new production methods as lithography-based methods like layer stacking and interference lithography are severely restricted in the third dimension. Self-assembly of colloidal particles with embedded electronics into regular 3D structures would be a solution (figure 1.1) (Abelmann et al., 2010). The formation of colloidal crystals has been studied by the likes of Alfons van Blaaderen (1997; and Albert Philipse (Philipse et al., 1994;Rossi et al., 2011), building on fundamental concepts of (molecular or macroscopic) selfassembly pioneered by George Whitesides (Grünwald et al., 2016;Whitesides and Grzybowski, 2002). The dynamics of microscopic self-assembly are difficult to observe due to the small size and short characteristic time constants involved, and therefore most publications are focused on reaction products. Yet, it is important to fully understand the particle-particle and particle-fluid interaction to optimize the assembly process and to minimize crystal defects. Computer simulations are a solution, but these scale unfavourable with the amount of particles FIGURE 1.1 -Three-dimensional electronics like memory chips could be constructed from smart building blocks, "smarticles" (A) (Abelmann et al., 2010), by forming regular structures via colloidal self-assembly (B) (Norris et al., 2004). Smart particles have been successfully self-assembled on macroscopic scale, forming electrically functional networks (C) (Gracias et al., 2000). Self-assembly dynamics may be simulated on macroscopic scale (D) (Ilievski et al., 2011b).involved. Analogue simulations in the form of a macroscopic self-assembly reactor can act as an alternative, greatly increasing visibility. For a proper analogy we need an interplay between the disturbing (temperature) and assembling (electrostatic, magnetic, van der Waals etc.) forces present on microscopic scale. Such forces could be respectively turbulence and magnetic dipole interaction, as explored before by Filip Ilievski (2011b).
The future of microroboticsA second example of miniaturization is the use of...