“…For a comprehensive review and evaluation of "self-assessment of second/foreign language proficiency," see Oscarson (1989), an early and persistent advocate (e.g., Oskarsson [Oscarson] 1978[Oscarson] , 1980[Oscarson] , 1981 who, in 1978, made the point that" ... self assessment is a new field in language testing and consequently there is very little accumulated knowledge and experience to draw on" (Oskarsson, 1978: p. 13, emphasis added); but more recently (Oscarson, 1989) stated that there had been " ... a surge of interest in methods of self-assessment of foreign language proficiency" (p. 1). The more recent (Oscarson, 1989), comprehensive review suggests continued, marked diversity in the purposes, methods, and lines of inquiry subsumed under the" self-assessment" rubric (a theme which is reinforced by Oscarson's [forthcoming] review, based on examination of pre-publication copy, received too late for full consideration in this paper). For perspective regarding conceptual and methodological diversity see, for example, Ingram (1985), Bachman and Palmer (1989), Blanche and Merino (1989), Heilenman (1990), Xu (1991.…”