Long legs, blonde hair, and flawless skin: Barbie's globally renowned image. However, it is out with exclusionary appearances and in with a "multi-dimensional view of beauty" as Mattel released a new line of Fashionista Barbie dolls earlier this year. 1 Dubbed "the most diverse doll line" and developed alongside a dermatologist, the latest collection boasts four body types, 34 skin tones, and 94 hairstyles, including vitiligo and alopecia (totalis) Barbie. 1 The dolls received widespread celebration for their potential to benefit children with similar dermatoses, and dermatologists have even recommended the dolls to their younger patients. 1,2 However, the dolls' effects on children's self-esteem and stigmatization have yet to be established. Here, we present a more realistic view than that purported by the media, arguing that vitiligo and alopecia Barbies' proposed benefits are unlikely to materialize.