In the business world, innovation phases and activities require employee actions in the form of targeted work behavior for the development of new useful objects, because innovation correlates with the involvement of individual factors. Improving a company's performance is crucial if it is to remain competitive and exist over the long term, and this includes the role of intellectual capital. The purpose of this study is to provide an explanation of the connection between intellectual capital, innovative at work, and organization performance. Qualitative research methods were used for this investigation. Listening for and capturing pertinent information is one method of data collection used in preparation for analysis steps such data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. This research shows that by synchronizing their intellectual capital and innovative work behavior, firms may achieve the high levels of performance they require. Any sort of intellectual capital that can be used as new business ideas has the potential to boost that company's bottom line. In order to obtain an edge in the market, it is essential to properly manage your intellectual capital. It is hoped that the findings of this study will serve as a point of departure for future studies that contribute to the growth and improvement of scientific knowledge.