International Journal of Case Reports and Images (IJCRI) is an international, peer reviewed, monthly, open access, online journal, publishing high-quality, articles in all areas of basic medical sciences and clinical specialties.Aim of IJCRI is to encourage the publication of new information by providing a platform for reporting of unique, unusual and rare cases which enhance understanding of disease process, its diagnosis, management and clinico-pathologic correlations.IJCRI publishes Review Articles, Case Series, Case Reports, Case in Images, Clinical Images and Letters to Editor.
Unusually large sialolith of submandibular glandHaci Taner Bulut ABSTRACT Introduction: Pathologically sialolithiasis is a disease which results in the obstruction of a salivary gland by a sialolith. Sialolith is generally seen in small size and their sizes range from 1 mm to 1 cm. Large salivary gland calculi are infrequent and defined as the size of 1.5 cm or larger. Only a few cases of large sialolith of the submandibular glands have been reported in literature. Imaging methods have an important role in making a diagnosis and in planning further management, operative or otherwise. Case Report: A 52-year-old male patient with multiple stones in the submandibular gland admitted to our hospital with swelling at submandibular region. Plain films show large stones at the region of submandibular gland. The maximum stone size was 1.8x0.8 mm. Submandibular gland size increased due to the sialoadenitis caused by stones. After surgery, the patient had a nearly normal function of the glands for three months.
Conclusion:The swelling which is seen in the submandibular region most commonly originates from sialolithiasis of submandibular gland, so it should be carefully evaluated by clinicians. Diagnostic imaging methods may complement each other in examining glands with sialolithiasis and may offer a promising diagnostic strategy for treatment and follow-up studies in sialolithiasis.