Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) are usually unstable at high temperature (above 150 °C), reportedly due to the disrupting charge transport pathways in the channel. Here, we demonstrate that the charge injection process at the contact region, which is rarely discussed, also could be the reason for the instability of OFETs at high temperature. Two common device structures, top-contact-bottom-gate (TCBG) and bottom-contactbottom-gate (BCBG), of an isoindigo-based polymer (IID-C1) are used for comparison. Their temperature-dependent in situ OFET characterization and contact resistance measurements show the vastly superior thermal stability of TCBG devices. While the TCBG structure has small and relatively stable contact resistance (R C ) across the scanned temperature, BCBG devices' contact region degrades significantly and raises the R C dramatically at 180 °C. For mitigating such effects, a thin layer of MoO 3 is added under the Au electrode to improve the charge injection, thus helping the BCBG devices function stably at up to 220 °C. This study emphasizes the significance of contact resistance and device architecture on fabricating high-temperature organic electronic devices and providing an insight into the charge transport in conjugated polymers at elevated temperature.