The availability of new commercial hyperspectral imaging infrared spectrometers makes possible the quantitative analysis of materials without the need for standards. In the course of achieving this goal, we have developed a new family of augmented classical least-squares (ACLS) algorithms that have important improvements over other quantitative multivariate calibration methods. The new ACLS methods are described and their application to hyperspectral image analysis is presented. Demonstration is given for the use of ACLS methods to improve the quantitative analysis of hyperspectral image data when chromatic aberrations are present in the system. A comparison of several multivariate curve resolution methods to estimate purecomponent spectra without standards is presented. Finally, improvements to the multivariate curve resolution methods used to perform quantitative spectral analysis without standards are also presented. This report is a compilation of unpublished works describing these methods. Along with reference published and accepted journal papers, this body of work demonstrates the successful completion of the goals of this project.
INTRODUCTIONIn this three-year research project, we set out to develop new methods of analysis of twodimensional hyperspectral Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) images collected from a new generation of commercial FT-IR imaging spectrometers. The goal was to develop and apply new hyperspectral image analysis methods to the investigation of the aging of polymeric materials. We have accomplished this goal and have developed a whole new family of multivariate calibration methods that significantly improve the qualitative and quantitative analysis of spectral data whether the data are from hyperspectral images or from other sources. This report is a compilation of appendices from journal preprints, a patent specification, and another report that were all generated in part or in whole from this Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project. Patent applications, published journal papers, and submitted journal papers related to this project are referenced but not included in this report.Because hyperspectral image data were not available at the beginning of this project, we initiated the development of a new classical least squares/ partial least squares (CLSPLS) hybrid multivariate analysis algorithm that was to create the basis of our hyperspectral image analyses. This hybrid algorithm was developed and programmed into several software codes. Celeste Drewien documented the implementation of the CLS/PLS hybrid algorithm for parallel processing computers.[l] The theory of the hybrid algorithm and an application to updating multivariate calibration models for the presence of unmodeled sources of near-infrared spectral variation in dilute aqueous solutions has also been published. [2] In the course of developing the hybrid algorithm, a significant improvement to the original CLS multivariate analysis algorithm[3-51 was developed. The improvement was called pre...