1 of 6) 1600670 template-directed directional solidification of salt eutectics have resulted in promising 3D mesostructured materials. [18] The achievement of metal-dielectric (or polaritonic) structures based on this self-assembling approach would constitute a real breakthrough, as large-scale photonic structures would become cheap and easy to manufacture. But eutectic compositions are fixed by thermodynamics, even if kinetics can help to deviate somewhat off the equilibrium composition. One consequence is that eutectic systems that combine metal-dielectric compounds are rare. [17] Binary or multinary eutectics where all final compounds are of similar chemical nature is the common case, and there are many of them among halides [16,19] or oxides. [20] Therefore to get advantage of eutectics to get microstructured metal surfaces, metallization after growth is required. [12] In the literature many eutectic microstructures have been reported: rod, lamellae, and interpenetrated among regular eutectics; cellular, broken-lamellae, globular, spiral, or even SRR (split ring resonator) like geometries, etc., among irregular eutectics, with different degree of homogeneity of interspacing and size of the component phases. The size of the building units is controlled by the solidification rate, so that it covers the range from tenths of micrometers to tens of micrometers. [12,20] Note that large surfaces are easily achieved (few cm 2 size). [16,21,22] Still, the choice of the eutectic system is a compromise between optical properties of the components, microstructure (shape, size, and homogeneity) that is feasible and application wavelength.In the present communication, we report on the fabrication of diverse metal-dielectric microstructures by means of simple procedures and based on a directionally solidified regular eutectic substrate as template. The uniqueness of this approach lies in the achievement of a holey metal film with the holes filled by a polaritonic (polar-dielectric) material, such that diverse microstructures are obtained in large surfaces. Moreover, the dielectric or polaritonic material does not only fill the holes, but can also tower over the metallic surface and participate in the coupling of the external EM waves with the photonic structure. Not less important is the fact that the operating wavelength of the structures can be tailored by design, either through the microstructural size or by the selection of the phonon-polariton resonance of the hole-filling material. Some examples with rods or ribbons with transverse optical modes between 26 and 41 µm have been recently reported, [16] heavier halides shift them to longer wavelengths and eutectics of other compounds are still to be explored from this point of view. The obtained holey metal films with a polaritonic dielectric filling the holes can be exploited either in the form of a surface layer onto a rigid substrate (the eutectic ceramic) or as a flexible metal-dielectric structure.Photonic structures in 2D with building units in the micrometer and na...