long-range ordering and directed self-assembly of thin films
of a high interaction parameter rod–coil liquid crystalline
block copolymer (LC BCP), poly(dimethylsiloxane)-b-poly{2,5-bis[(4-methoxyphenyl)-oxycarbonyl]styrene} (PDMS-b-PMPCS, or DM), is described. The LC BCP was spin-coated
on a polystyrene brush functionalized substrate and then thermally
annealed at different temperatures with respect to the LC ordering
temperature. The effects of the wetting behavior, commensurability
between the film thickness and the periodicity, and the LC orientation
on the ordering and orientation of the microdomains are described.
A monolayer of in-plane cylinders with excellent long-range ordering
was produced, and was transferred into SiO
patterns with tunable sub-10 nm feature sizes. Well-ordered multilayer
in-plane cylinders were produced in thicker films, and the correlation
between microstructure evolution and the LC ordering process was studied
by grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) and wide-angle
X-ray scattering (GIWAXS). Finally, the cylindrical rod–coil
BCP was directed into a novel ladder morphology within lithographically
patterned substrate trenches, as well as into patterns of parallel
or transverse cylinders. The ordering of cylinders, the ladder morphology,
and the etch selectivity and thermal stability of this high-interaction
parameter silicon-containing LC rod–coil BCP demonstrate its
applicability to nanoscale lithography.