Diminished responding to hearing the own name is one of the earliest and strongest predictors of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Here, we studied for the first time the neural correlates of hearing one's own name in ASD. Based on existing research, we hypothesized enhancement of late parietal positive activity specifically for the own name in neurotypicals, and this effect to be reduced in adults with ASD. Source localization analyses were conducted to estimate group differences in brain regions underlying this effect. 21 adults with ASD, and 21 age-and gender-matched neurotypicals were presented with three categories of names (own name, close other, unknown other) as task-irrelevant deviant stimuli in an auditory oddball paradigm, while EEG was recorded. As expected, a late parietal positivity was observed specifically for own names in neurotypicals, indicating enhanced attention to the own name.This preferential effect was absent in the ASD group. This group difference was associated with diminished activation in the rTPJ in adults with ASD. Further, a familiarity effect was found for the N1, with larger amplitudes for familiar names (own name and close other).However, groups did not differ for this effect. These findings provide evidence of atypical neural responding to hearing one's own name in adults with ASD, suggesting a deficit in selfother distinction, associated with rTPJ dysfunction.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; ERP; own name; TPJ General Scientific Summary: Infants at risk of ASD are known to show a diminished response to hearing their own name. By investigating the neural response to hearing their own name in adults with ASD, we showed for the first time that also in adulthood, individuals with ASD show an atypical response to hearing their name.3