Abstract. We study the dependence structure of the α-stable random process linear log-fractional stable motion (Ulog-FSM). It is defined for α ∈ (1, 2] and real numbers (a, b) = (0, 0). Ulog-FSM is actually a collection of processes parametrized by α, a, and b. All of its moments of order p ≥ α are infinite, including the variance. It also has stationary increments. In the "well-balanced" case a = b, it reduces to log-fractional stable motion (log FSM), a self-similar process. Unlike log-FSM, it is not self-similar in the "unbalanced" case a = b. Since the covariance does not exist, other measures are necessary to analyze the dependence structure of Ulog-FSM. We use the codifference and the covariation. Ulog-FSM exhibits long-range dependence because over long lags of time, the codifference and the covariation decay "slowly" to zero.