Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is an important research topic in natural language processing, which is widely applied to text classification, machine translation, and information retrieval. In order to improve disambiguation accuracy, this paper proposes a WSD method based on the graph convolutional network (GCN). Word, part of speech, and semantic category are extracted from contexts of the ambiguous word as discriminative features. Discriminative features and sentence containing the ambiguous word are used as nodes to construct the WSD graph. Word2Vec tool, Doc2Vec tool, pointwise mutual information (PMI), and TF-IDF are applied to compute embeddings of nodes and edge weights. GCN is used to fuse features of a node and its neighbors, and the softmax function is applied to determine the semantic category of the ambiguous word. Training corpus of SemEval-2007: Task #5 is adopted to optimize the proposed WSD classifier. Test corpus of SemEval-2007: Task #5 is used to test the performance of WSD classifier. Experimental results show that average accuracy of the proposed method is improved.